Thursday, January 21, 2021

A Book Review of Free Audio Meditation CDs by David Hoffman


The ego uses many predictable patterns as the basis of its thought process, and as the ego is the part of your mind that creates and perceives reality, the pattern of these patterns is a never-ending circle. Guilt, fear, anger, judgement and judgment are the basic requirements of the ego, which then uses these to create a hologram of self. The ego uses a number of predictable patterns as the base of its concept; as the base of any thought process, these are always one or the other, regardless of who is in the room or who is the subject of the thought. As you perceive a bad brother via judgment, you'll project and judge onto that bad brother until you actually perceive the effects in the material world.

One of the most basic laws of all is the law of cause and effect, also known as karma. The ego uses the concepts of "what goes around comes around" and "what you don't have can't hurt you." Hence, whenever your ego believes something is wrong, it tends to make you feel bad, but what you do have may not be as bad in your actual life (based on karma). Hence, whenever you hear these famous David Hoffs speech examples, you'll understand the basis for what is said above. What happens when you learn how to master the art of meditation and when you experience an altered state of consciousness which allows you to transcend the limitations of your consciousness, your sense scale and your thought system - these will give you access to a whole new realm of learning, experience and wisdom.

One of the primary premises of split-brain theory is that one particular aspect of your consciousness is at odds with another and is influencing the decision-making process you are having. This can create a very unhelpful set of circumstances when your ego wrong thoughts and judgments interfere with your awareness of who and what you are. In one simple example from one of David Hoffmeister free audios, he mentions an incident where a bus passenger was thinking about the color of his shoe while on the bus, and the color he thought about was red. This caused him to enter a guilty state of mind-one that was perpetuating his problem.

Because he could not find any other reason for his original separation from his wife, he now believes there must be some other aspect of himself that was "off" when he made this choice. He identifies this other entity as being his true self and his true essence. Because he cannot find any evidence of this other aspect of himself, he has developed an illusion about his original separation and now thinks he is stuck in an unhappy marriage because of it. On the one hand, his original separation was probably triggered by something more subtle than a fear of losing his identity or to feel like another person has taken control over him, so in this case he identifies his problem with his own illusion, which causes him to be stuck in a "judgmental" state of mind-and the state of "judgmental" is an illusion of his true self!

If you listen carefully to the above audio file, David will tell you that each time you think about a situation, your mind splits in two, resulting in two different tracks in your brain. One track is your intuition, while the other track is your "real-world," "scientific," or "material" knowledge. Your intuition knows what is happening, even though your knowledge is limited. Your material-world knowledge is your understanding of the present condition, as well as what will happen in the future. It is your key judgment and your feelings that tell you what you want to hear about the situation you are facing-what you want to believe is true, and what you want to doubt.

The split-brain method teaches that this is how people come up with their own opinions and their very own ideas of morality, truth, justice, beauty, and every other "little things" that we consider important in life. We are not immune from these split second decisions and actions, nor do we have the power or intelligence to stop ourselves from doing them. We can only be fully aware of what we are doing at the moment we make these split second decisions and our reactions-and these reactions are governed by brain impulses, which are only partly understandable to us. Through listening to David Hoffman's Free Audio Meditation CDs, you can learn to control these impulses and use your brain to put aside your own intuitive understanding and turn it into something that everyone can benefit from, because this is how David Hoffman sees the world.